Thursday, March 15, 2007

Life and Death Situations

orchidMichele's DadBodybuilder
You might remember last week I spoke about Michele's dad being in the hospital. Sadly enough a day after the show he passed away. Michele is understandably taking off again this week. Micheal Falcon, her dad is the guy in the middle shot above. The entire staff of KTOV attended his funeral today. This of course cast a dim shadow over our whole week and we of course "Condole"Michele and her family and friends. So I want to you to watch this week as my very special guest bodybuilder and personal motivator Phil Bradshaw (Mr. Texas Universe) joins us to tell us how to take control of life and start enjoying it "while we can". Phil and I actually go back "aways". Phil was mentored to some extent by Bodybuilder Tom Kelly and his brother Rex. this was about 1988 or so and shared a duplex with Tom Kelly and his wife Rose-through whom I met Phil Bradshaw. One day my 1972 Triumph Spitfire had electrical problems, truthfully it had electrical problems on more than one day- but on this day it died right in front of the house and I was running really late to work. I got and tried to push but alone this was a loosing proposition. Tom , Rex and Phil who were talking in the back yard rounded the house and started to push the tiny car. The three immense bodybuilders could have easily hurled the car down the street but instead they just sort of walked along at a clip until the car got up to a proper speed. I popped the clutch and puttered away. In my rear view mirror I could see the three of them still talking about something. They in fact never broke a sweat as if pushing the car required the same amount of energy as say swatting a gnat. He is really a fascinating person and I want you to meet him if you never have before. Also my boss Fred comes in to talk about his girly orchid collection.
This is also very important! March 27th at The House of Rock , Chill With Phil presents The Shockin' Rockin Independent Film Festivall Two superior bands- The Struggle of Saints and The Independents along with two indie films DrainU and Slayer Zed and The City of the Dead. It will be two dollars at the door but well worth it. I would really like to see you there. We will be taping the Easter episode at this location on that night and if you will come and find me and sit on on a segment you can be on the show, talk about whatever you want. Com'on it'll be fun

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