Thursday, July 19, 2007

Stanislaw Lem and the Old Coliseum

He was either a communist spy, a highly educated welder or he did not exist, but Stanislaw Lem turned out some of the best science fiction known. He is easily the Unsung Hero of sci-fi literature and is best known for Solaris. Solaris was made by Russian director Tarkovsky is 1972 and remade in America in 2002 (with George Clooney)...the former being heavily diluted by the communist government which heavily censored the work virtually reversing many of the messages of the original book. I am not going to show you Solaris. I am going to show you one of the best science fiction film ever made The First Spaceship on Venus, based on Lem's novel The Astronauts.

He was born in Poland in 1921 and spent his young life welding a
nd attending various universities around Poland. The writer Philip K. Dick posed himself as an enemy of Lem (Dick had a lot of problems with science fiction writers) and once sent a letter to the FBI accusing him of being a communist spy and cited Lem's obvious intellect as "proof" of his allegations.

A Brazilian book critic once accused the United States of using computers to generate Lem's writings citing the name LEM as the abriviation for Lunar Excursion Module used by NASA to explore the moon.

Read a lot more about Lem at this link.

First Spaceship On Venus is visionary in it's depiction of a multi national crew aboard a spaceship, working together as one to accomplish a mission. This predates Star Trek by more than a few years.

This picture was shamelessly stolen from the Del Mar Foghorn site from an article published in 2005 about the Katrina refugees living in the Coliseum...

Which is another reason to maintain and preserve the old Memorial Coliseum.

Which is the topic of my conversation with my very special guest Mike Hummell of the Corpus Christi City Council. The highest ranking government official to be on the show. Mike is very willing to hear you comments. If you will write me I will forward you comments. Decide to keep it or not, then we will decide what to do with it...

Puff N Stuff Stuff

With the opening of The Happy Hookah on Nile at Airline it is Back to Campus Clearance Super Summer Sale Time at Puff N Stuff Waldron at SPID. If you ever wanted any of the stuff that Puff N Stuff sells, then now is the time to buy.Save up to 50% on most of the high end stuff and really low prices on 361 937 3013 for more information on the Super Mega Clearance End Of Summer Blow Out Sale.

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