Saturday, July 26, 2008



Tonight is a re-run or an infomercial I don't know which. We will all get to see Bride of Chucky Next Week. I promise. This Wednesday I went blind in one eye, probably related to the paint ball injury several weeks ago. I had a detached retina. Tonight I am in either too much or out of too much pain (i.e. legal prescription drugs) to do a show. The folks at Play Again payed for you to see Bride of Chucky and my weak and crumbling retina has denied them their moment in the sun so to speak...

So, next week when I should have about 30% of my sight back and almost no Lortabs left, then we will watch Bride of Chucky. And play classic video games and give away a Yobo Twin video games system. Until then be "seein" you...


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